Another question Patrick,

Real example:
More then year ago I applied to become Debian developer. After some
time I got answer that rule has change and I need to maintain at least
to packages and I should wait for 1 year.
My question is: Why should I come after 1 year again?
I continue to maintain my 2 packages, I do not try any more to become
debian developer and I want to become maintainer just not to ask
always someone else to upload packages for me. I do not have too much
time, and since process takes long time, I will may be decide to
rather disturb always someone else to upload the latest version of my
packages rather then to answer another question I got during my
application processing. It is not optimal, but "I do not like
processes" :)

best regards


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Patrick Ouellette <> 
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 09:22:12PM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  Just a question.
>>  # I'm not familiar with NM process now.
>> On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 23:56:02 -0600
>> NM Front Desk <> wrote:
>> > Weekly Summary Statistics
>> > =========================
>> > 2 more people applied to become a new maintainer
>> > 0 applicants became maintainers.
>>  Why any people cannot become a new Debian Developer in these days?
>>  What is the bottleneck for that, or there is any reason?
>>  We needs more and more developers, I think.
>>  # but I don't want to blame someone. Just want to know why and how to solve 
>> it.
> There are many reasons.  Check out the new maintainer pages.  One (and just 
> one)
> reason is the time it takes for applicants to respond to the questions asked 
> as
> part of the NM process.  Many applicants are students or professionals with
> multiple demands on their time.  The same can be said of the NM staff who
> guide the applicants through the process.
> Pat
> --
> Patrick Ouellette       
> ne4po (at) arrl (dot) net         Amateur Radio: NE4PO
> "Crank the amp to 11, this needs more cowbell - and a llama wouldn't hurt 
> either"
> "Your arguments are an odd mix of overly optimistic on one side and overly
> pessimistic on the other"
> --
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