Report for new developer applicant Samuel Thibault 

1. Identification & Background

Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from
Receiving and checking key
gpg: requesting key 45140A6D from hkp server
pub   1024D/45140A6D 2008-07-13
      Key fingerprint = 9D50 3A83 0A14 98F7 C1E1  2579 4565 D582 4514 0A6D
uid                  Samuel Thibault <>
sig!         9ED101BF 2008-08-23  Michael Banck <>
sig!         C3DC59FA 2008-09-02  Brice Goglin <>
sig!3        45140A6D 2008-07-13  Samuel Thibault <>
uid                  Samuel Thibault <>
sig!         9ED101BF 2008-08-23  Michael Banck <>
sig!         C3DC59FA 2008-09-02  Brice Goglin <>
sig!3        45140A6D 2008-07-13  Samuel Thibault <>
uid                  Samuel Thibault <>
sig!         9ED101BF 2008-08-23  Michael Banck <>
sig!         C3DC59FA 2008-09-02  Brice Goglin <>
sig!3        45140A6D 2008-07-13  Samuel Thibault <>
sub   1024D/0181DCF6 2008-07-13 [expires: 2009-07-13]
sig!         45140A6D 2008-07-13  Samuel Thibault <>
sub   2048g/EC95B7D5 2008-07-13
sig!         45140A6D 2008-07-13  Samuel Thibault <>
sub   2048g/F065A8D7 2008-07-13 [expires: 2009-07-13]
sig!         45140A6D 2008-07-13  Samuel Thibault <>

3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is ok
Check for key expire stuff
./ line 67: [: 2009-07-13: binary operator expected
Key has an expiration date of 2009-07-13

Applicant writes:

So, about me, I am 27 years old.  Like quite a few french debian
developers, I have followed the computer science university cursus of
the ENS Lyon.  That lead me to a PhD in Bordeaux about thread scheduling
for High Performance Computing on large hierarchical machines, typically
NUMAs of multicore.  I have then been working at XenSource (Cambridge,
UK) for a year to acquire expertise in the virtualization area.
Eventually, I got a teaching & research position back in Bordeaux in
September.  That is actually the reason why although I have been working
on Debian since quite some time, I'm applying as a Developer now that
I'm settled on some professional position :)

Working on free software is of course one of my main hobby, I not only
work on Debian, but also in accessibility in general, and support for
blind people in particular.  Apart from that, I play the drums and the
trombone, in various orchestras (symphonic, harmonic, brass), and I like
reading mangas.  I do like having beer as well, spending a year in
Cambridge surely contributed to it :)


2. Account Data

        Account: sthibaul

3. Philosophy and Procedures

Samuel has a very good knowledge of Debian's philosophy and procedures
and answered all my questions about the social contract, DFSG, BTS, etc.
in an outstanding way. He has committed to uphold the SC and DFSG in his
Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills

Samuel has an excellent understanding of the technical side of Debian.
He also answered my other questions regarding T&S without any problems
and provided patches for RC bugs.
His social skills are great and it is a pleasure to communicate with

5. Recommendation

I highly recommend to accept Samuel as a Debian Developer and I am
thrilled that he decided to apply.

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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