1. Identification & Account Data
  First name:      Ryan
  Last name:       Kavanagh
  Key fingerprint: 4E46 9519 ED67 7734 268F  BD95 8F7B F8FC 4A11 C97A
  Account:         rak
  Forward email:   ryana...@gmail.com

  ID check passed, key signed by 2 existing developers:

  Output from keycheck.sh:
gpg: requesting key 4A11C97A from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
pub   10240R/4A11C97A 2009-09-23 [expires: 2019-09-21]
     Key fingerprint = 4E46 9519 ED67 7734 268F  BD95 8F7B F8FC 4A11 C97A
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
sig!         363DEAE3 2009-09-29  Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals 
sig!3        26B47B9F 2010-08-30  Martin Pitt <mar...@piware.de>
sig!3        4A11C97A 2009-09-24  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh <r...@ryanak.ca>
sig!         363DEAE3 2009-09-29  Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals 
sig!3        4A11C97A 2009-09-24  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh <r...@cs.queensu.ca>
sig!3        4A11C97A 2011-10-01  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@gmail.com>
sig!         363DEAE3 2009-09-29  Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals 
sig!3        26B47B9F 2010-08-30  Martin Pitt <mar...@piware.de>
sig!3        4A11C97A 2009-09-23  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@ubuntu.com>
sig!3        26B47B9F 2010-08-30  Martin Pitt <mar...@piware.de>
sig!3        4A11C97A 2010-03-28  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh <ryanakca-gu...@users.alioth.debian.org>
sig!         363DEAE3 2009-09-29  Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals 
sig!3        26B47B9F 2010-08-30  Martin Pitt <mar...@piware.de>
sig!3        4A11C97A 2009-09-27  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Replacement key for 
sig!3        4A11C97A 2010-08-30  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh (Queen's University email address) 
sig!3        26B47B9F 2010-08-30  Martin Pitt <mar...@piware.de>
sig!3        4A11C97A 2010-06-19  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
uid                  Ryan Kavanagh (Queen's University email alias) 
sig!3        26B47B9F 2010-08-30  Martin Pitt <mar...@piware.de>
sig!3        4A11C97A 2010-06-19  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>
sub   10240R/0F5E9C64 2009-09-24 [expires: 2019-09-22]
sig!         4A11C97A 2009-09-24  Ryan Kavanagh <ryana...@kubuntu.org>

Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.
Key has 10240 bits.
Valid "e" flag, expires Sat Sep 21 23:32:48 2019.
Valid "s" flag, expires Sat Sep 21 23:32:48 2019.

2. Background
  Applicant writes:

  I first came across Linux in 2004 through the Debian woody shell
  server hosted by the Nic-Nac-Project. I purchased my first computer
  (a Pentium II) in December of that year and installed Debian woody
  on it. I've since hopped across various distributions before
  settling with Kubuntu on my desktops in 2006 and Debian on my
  netbook a few years ago. I volunteer my time because I very much
  enjoy the work; the challenge and satisfaction I derive from it are
  what keep me at it.

  I maintain a hodgepodge of programs in Debian, from console
  programs (aoeui and lintex) to KDE/Qt programs (bangarang, basic256
  and frescobaldi) to Python programs (frescobaldi, slingshot). I
  wouldn't mind doing more team based maintenance and I think the
  Python Applications Packaging Team would be a good place to start.

  My goal in volunteering for Debian, although modest, is to reduce
  the bug count in all of my packages to zero and to keep my packages
  in good shape.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
  Ryan has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
  and answered all my questions about the social contract,
  DFSG, BTS, etc. in a very good way. Ryan committed to uphold the SC
  and DFSG in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
  Ryan has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
  He maintains many packages both alone as a DM (aoeui, lintex, mcdp,
  prerex), within the Debian's KDE-Extras Team (bangarang, kobby,
  libqinfinity) and within Debian's PAPT Team. (turnin-ng,
  frescobaldi, slingshot)

  All packages are in good shape.
  Ryan also answered my other questions regarding T&S without
  problems and provided patches for RC bugs.

5. Recommendation
  I recommend to accept Ryan as a Debian Developer.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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