On Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 01:57:46PM -0400, Michael Gilbert wrote:

> This is really great!  Although, I'm a bit curious why the
> minechangelogs interface needs to have restricted access?  It seems
> like it could be a useful tool for just about anyone, not just DDs.
> In addition, defaulting to open access is more philosophically ideal.

I was afraid it would be a privacy issue: of course the source data is
fully public and anyone could aggregate that information in this way,
but I'm not sure that when people sign a changelog entry, they intend
that information to be correlated into a sort of personal life history.

For example, I am personally upset with how Ohloh presents my publicly
accessible information: me signing public VCS commits shouldn't
automatically give someone the right to use that information to present
an arbitrary (and incorrect) public image of myself.

Given my experience with that, I took the conservative approach.

I am perfectly happy to be told that in the minechangelogs case it
really isn't an issue and stand corrected.



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