
I recommend to accept Donald Norwood as a new Debian Developer, non-uploading.
The account name is donald.

 * Applicant background


I happily came into Debian from one of its derivatives, my curiosity at seeing 
what the parent O/S was all about. My immersion in the system drove me to 
install it on more than one computer and since then every computer I could get 
my hands on or serve content with. After understanding and embracing the 
concepts and culture of something I felt strongly about, what else was there to 
do? I thought: Contribute back to the project, so, and here I am. I currently 
work with the mirrors, www, and publicity teams. Most of my Debian work has 
been focused on end user interaction from receiving content and how that 
content is announced and presented.

Donald Norwood


Jonathan McDowell

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