On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 03:24:52PM +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 02:41:47AM -0000, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> > I would like to apply to change my status in Debian to Debian
> > Developer, uploading.  This would help with two Debian efforts I'm
> > currently involved in: the cloud team and the enlightenment packaging
> > team.
> Any particular case you are not going through DM?
> I'm not seeing that many uploads from you that could tell me that you
> have enough experience even if you haven't been a DM.
> > functionality; I'd like to help out with this effort too.  Having
> > access to Debian infrastructure will help with these efforts.
> ok.
> So is this the main reason for you to push for dd_u at this point?

My understanding from folks on the cloud team was that I'd need DD for
access to casulana, pettersson, and new mirror infrastructure that's in
the works.

Given that I also work on the enlightenment packaging, the question was
should I request uploading or non-uploading?  Andreas currently sponsors
the pkg-e uploads, so I asked him for input.  He suggested uploading.

But maybe I've misunderstood the available options.  Is there a
different plan that you'd suggest?


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