Can you change your karma and thereby alter your fate ?
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In the Eastern culture we believe that whatever happens to us - good or bad - 
is due to our deeds in previous lives. That’s why in the East people can accept 
why they are born rich or poor, healthy or sick. Yet many have pondered, if we 
can change our karma, can we change our fate?
Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong), an exercise and meditation practice from China is 
based on a complete cultivation system directing a person to enhance one’s 
ethical standard. A complete cultivation system affects not only mind and body, 
but also spirit and the transformation of karma. As there is karmic retribution 
for every action, a heart which follows the principles of truthfulness, 
kindness and forbearance by abandoning bad habits, will get the best response 
in body, mind and spirit.
By cultivating character, practitioners are directly and positively affecting 
their physical wellbeing. This is thought to be one rationale why the practice 
of Falun Dafa has such outstanding health results.
An orthopedic surgeon from Taiwan who is an proficient martial arts specialist 
and tai chi practitioner of 15 years gave it all up to take up Falun Gong 
because, according to him, he understood that all this training to build 
physique and control energy was like earning money, limited only to this 
lifetime. “You die and it is all lost. Only Falun Gong clears your past karma, 
helps cultivate your body, mind and spirit in the present life and guides you 
on your way to enlightenment in future lives.”
In America, investigators in basic sciences have begun to show interest in 
studying Falun Gong. Dr. Lili Feng, professor of immunology and molecular 
biology at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, observed the life span and 
function of white blood cells, neutrophils (a common type of white blood cell) 
in specific. Her initial results proved that the in-vitro (means in laboratory 
conditions) life span of neutrophils from Falun Dafa practitioners was 30 times 
longer than that of control groups and the heightened immune function among 
these cells was significant.
What one cannot understand is how a spiritual practice that was introduced to 
the public back in May 1992 and quickly gained popularity could be suddenly 
prohibited in China. Unable to acknowledge the overwhelming popularity of Falun 
Dafa and acknowledge the growing numbers of Falun Dafa practitioners that were 
exceeding the membership of the Chinese Communist Party, the then-president 
Jiang Zemin put a ban on the practice on July 20, 1999. Seventy million people 
were following Falun Gong when the horrific persecution started. Since then, 
people who practice Falun Dafa in China have been illegally detained, 
imprisoned, tortured and even killed for their organs. 
To find out more about these crimes go to faluninfo.net and see the articles in 
the section  called PERSECUTION.

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