The Debian Project                                http://www.debian.org/
Debian invites you to its 20th birthday                 pr...@debian.org
August 9th, 2013                http://www.debian.org/News/2013/20130809

The Debian Project, the team behind the free Debian operating system,
would like to invite you to join in celebrating the upcoming 20th Debian
Birthday [1] which will take place on 16 August 2013 in Le Camp, in
Vaumarcus, Switzerland, during this year's annual Debian conference,
DebConf13 [2].

    1: http://debconf13.debconf.org/birthday.xhtml
    2: http://debconf13.debconf.org/

During the Debian Birthday, the Debian conference will open its doors to
anyone interested in finding out more about Debian and Free Software,
inviting enthusiasts, users, and developers to a half day of talks
relating to Free Software, the Debian Project, and the Debian operating

Attending the Debian Birthday is free of charge and is open to everybody
interested in Free Software. More information about it, and a complete
schedule, can be found on the DebConf13 website [3].

    3: http://debconf13.debconf.org/

About Debian

The Debian Project [4] was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock to be a truly
free community project aiming to build a free operating system. Since
then the project has grown to be one of the largest and most influential
open source projects. Available in 70 languages, and supporting a huge
range of computer types, Debian calls itself the universal operating
system; the current release includes over 20,000 software packages for
more than ten computer architectures, ranging from the common desktops
and laptops to mobile phones and tablets up to big computing mainframes.
Debian is the basis for several other Linux distributions, including
Knoppix and Ubuntu. Thousands of volunteers from all over the world work
together to create and maintain the Debian system, many of them in their
spare time.

    4: http://www.debian.org/

The Debian Project’s key strengths are its volunteer base and commitment
to providing the best operating system possible. Apart from DebConf most
communication takes place on the Internet in mailing-lists and chat-
rooms. Unlike all other Linux distributions of similar size Debian is an
independent non-profit organization not backed by a commercial company.
Debian’s dedication to Free Software, its non-profit nature, and its
open development model make it unique among Free Software distributions.

About DebConf

DebConf is the Debian Project's annual developer conference. In addition
to a full schedule of talks, DebConf provides a unique opportunity for
developers, contributors and other interested people to meet in person
and work together more closely. It has taken place annually since 2000
in locations as varied as Scotland, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and Nicaragua. More information about DebConf is available from

About DebConf13

More information about this year's Debian conference can be found on the
DebConf13 website [5]. DebConf13 thanks its two platinum sponsors,
Google [6] and the Matanel Foundation [7], as well as all the other
sponsors [8].

    5: http://debconf13.debconf.org/
    6: http://www.google.com/
    7: http://www.matanel.org
    8: http://debconf13.debconf.org/sponsors.xhtml

Contact Information

For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
http://www.debian.org or contact the DebConf Press Team [9].

    9: pr...@debconf.org

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