The Debian Project                               https://www.debian.org/
Debian Project News                    debian-public...@lists.debian.org
November 9th, 2017           https://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2017/04/

Welcome to this year's fourth issue of DPN, the newsletter for the
Debian community. Topics covered in this issue include:

  * Welcome to the Debian Project News!
  * Internal News/Happenings
  * Events
  * Reports
  * More than just code
  * Outside News
  * Quick Links from Debian Social Media
  * Want to continue reading DPN?

Welcome to the Debian Project News!

We hope that you are enjoying this format of the DPN.

For other news, please read the official Debian blog Bits from
Debian [1], and follow https://micronews.debian.org which RSS-feeds <the
@debian> profile in several social networks too.

    1: https://bits.debian.org

Debian's Security Team releases current advisories on a daily basis
(Security Advisories 2017 [2]). Please read them carefully and subscribe
to the security mailing list [3].

    2: https://www.debian.org/security/2017/
    3: https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/

At the end of this Project News we've added a Quick Links section which
links to a selection of the posts made through our other media streams.

Internal News/Happenings

Updated Debian 9: 9.2 released

The second update of the stable distribution Debian 9 "Stretch" was
published [4] on 7 October 2017. This update mainly adds corrections for
security problems to the stable release, along with a few adjustments
for serious problems.

    4: https://www.debian.org/News/2017/20171007

After the 9.2.0 release was made and published, a bug was found with the
sorting of packages in the full DVD, BD and DLBD sets (other images were
not affected). The 9.2.1 build fixes this bug, and the build scripts
have also been updated to ensure this cannot happen again in future. For
more details about this, see the related note at the images download
server [5].

    5: https://get.debian.org/images/release/9.2.1/

OpenSSL 1.0 and Qt4 removal in Buster

For the next release, Debian 10 "Buster", it's planned to remove OpenSSL
1.0, the old version of the toolkit for the Transport Layer Security
(TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols, in favour of the more
modern OpenSSL 1.1 version. Meanwhile, Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers are
also actively working to remove Qt4, which is long dead upstream.
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer, for the Debian Qt/KDE Team, has
blogged [6] about the specific plans related to the OpenSSL support for
Qt4 and Qt5 applications in Debian.


FTP services shutdown

As previously announced [7], the public-facing debian.org FTP services
shut down on November 1, 2017. Debian Developers can use FTP for the
uploads to the security archive at
ftp://ftp.security.upload.debian.org/pub/SecurityUploadQueue. More
details and other options at

    7: https://www.debian.org/News/2017/20170425

DebConf mailing lists moved to lists.debian.org

In order to simplify infrastructure and maintenance, the DebConf mailing
lists have been moved to lists.debian.org (including their archives and
subscriptions). Appropiate redirections have been put in place, but it
is recommended for everybody to update any documentation or bookmarks
with the new addresses or web links. Read the blog post [8] from
Alexander Wirt for more details.


New and noteworthy packages

Among many other packages that were added to the unstable Debian
archive [9] in the last weeks, we can find:

  * UKUI Desktop — a lightweight desktop environment mainly developed by a
Chinese team, the Ubuntu Kylin Team [10]
  * version 2.2.2 of Guile — the GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter 
  * version 10.2 of MariaDB database server and client,
  * version 3 of Gmsh — a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD
engine and post-processor [12]

    9: https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/newpkg
   10: https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/ukui-session-manager
   11: https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/guile-2.2
   12: https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/gmsh


There will be a Debian booth at T-DOSE [13] in Eindhoven, Netherlands,
next 18 and 19 November 2017. Everybody is invited to pass by and of
course, to help spreading the word about Debian in the booth (visit the
wiki page for more details and coordination).

   13: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/nl/2017/T-DOSE

The Toulouse MiniDebConf 2017 [14] will take place during the Capitole
du Libre event on November 18 and 19 2017, and MiniDebConf
Cambridge [15] (UK) will happen the following weekend, from Thursday 23
to Sunday 26 November 2017.

   14: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/fr/2017/Toulouse
   15: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/gb/2017/MiniDebConfCambridge


The Debian Cloud gathered in a Sprint [16] from 16 to 18 October 2017,
to resolve some of the open issues that were discussed at the cloud
sprint 2017 and the Cloud BoF discussion session at Debconf17.

   16: https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2017/DebianCloudOct2017

A Debian Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg [17], Austria, took place on
the weekend of October 20–22 2017.

   17: https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2017/10/at/Salzburg

MiniDebConf Cuba [18] took place during CubaConf 2017, the Free
Technologies Cuban Conference from 7 to 9 November 2017, with several
talks related to Debian and other activities.

   18: https://wiki.debian.org/Cuba/Eventos/MiniDebConfCuba2017

LTS Freexian Monthly Reports

Freexian issues monthly reports [19] about the work of paid contributors
to Debian Long Term Support.

   19: https://raphaelhertzog.com/tag/Freexian+LTS/

Reproducible Builds status update

Follow the reproducible builds blog [20] to get the weekly reports on
their work in the "Stretch" cycle.

   20: https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/

Once upon a time in Debian:

  * 2002-10-22 Debian Desktop subproject launched [21]
  * 2004-10-20 First release of Ubuntu (Warty Warthog) [22]
  * 2017-10-28 Debian Bug #880000 reported by Salvatore Bonaccorso [23]

   21: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2002/10/msg00016.html
   23: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=880000

Packages needing help:

Currently [24] 1153 packages are orphaned [25] and 151 packages are up
for adoption [26]: please visit the complete list of packages which need
your help [27].

   24: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/11/msg00010.html
   25: https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/orphaned
   26: https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/rfa
   27: https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/help_requested

Newcomer bugs

Debian has a "newcomer" bug tag, used to indicate bugs which are
suitable for new contributors to use as an entry point to working on
specific packages. There are 210 [28] bugs available tagged "newcomer".

   28: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=newcomer

More than just code


1799 people and 20 teams are listed on the Debian Contributors [29] page
for 2017.

   29: https://contributors.debian.org/

Outside News

The Reproducible Builds Summit 2017 [30] took place between October 31
and November 2 2017. Debian has participated together with other free
software distributions and projects in order to continue working in
providing a verifiable path from software source code to its compiled
binary form.

   30: https://reproducible-builds.org/events/berlin2017/

During the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2017 [31] in Tokyo this October, Hideki
Yamane gave a talk about openSUSE tools on Debian [32].

   31: https://events.opensuse.org/conference/summitasia17

GitLab Inc. is switching from Contributor License Agreement (CLA) to
Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) for its source code
contributions [33]. This change gives developers greater flexibility and
portability, and aims to encourage contributions to their web-based Git
repository manager. GitLab Community Edition is the basis for
Salsa [34], the upcoming collaborative development server that will host
the Debian git repositories that are currently on Alioth.

   33: https://about.gitlab.com/2017/11/01/gitlab-switches-to-dco-license/
   34: https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa

Quick Links from Debian Social Media

This is an extract from the micronews.debian.org [35] feed, in which we
have removed the topics already commented on in this DPN issue. You can
skip this section if you already follow micronews.debian.org or <the
@debian> profile in a social network (Pump.io, GNU Social, Mastodon or
Twitter). The items are given unformatted, and in descending order by
date (recent news at the top).

   35: https://micronews.debian.org


  * New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2017)


  * "APT 1.6 alpha 1 – seccomp and more" by Julian Andres Klode
  * MiniDebConf Prishtina (Kosovo) next 7-8 October
  * How was the Debian mini-event at FTSL 2017 in Curitiba


  * Debian Project News - September 20, 2017: news about the future of Alioth,
Outreachy, Debian Astro 1.0, new translation team: Albanian, "Public Money,
Public Code" campaign, and much more https://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2017/03/

Want to continue reading DPN?

Please help us create this newsletter. We still need more volunteer
writers to watch the Debian community and report about what is going on.
Please see the contributing page [36] to find out how to help. We're
looking forward to receiving your mail at

   36: https://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/HowToContribute

Subscribe or Unsubscribe [37] from the Debian News mailing list

   37: https://lists.debian.org/debian-news/

This issue of Debian Project News was edited by The Publicity Team with
contributions from Jean-Pierre Giraud.

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