Hi .. 

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 12:12:16PM -0400, Jack Howarth wrote:
>     I found the bad player in my attempt to install
>openoffice.org 1.0-3 on my debian ppc sid machine.
>I had tried to removed msttcorefonts from my system
>with dpkg --purge at some point. That appears to be
>insufficient to remove all traces of the downloaded
>mstt fonts but deconfigures them thus causing openoffice
>to have problems with its fonts. I reinstalled 
>msttcorefonts allowing it to download and reinstall
>the mstt fonts and now openoffice.org works fine.

Weird but .. cool .. 


  .''`.    Jan-Hendrik Palic     |
 : :' : ** Debian GNU/ Linux **  |   ** OpenOffice.org **         ,.. ,..
 `. `'   http://www.debian.org   | http://www.openoffice.org    ,: ..`   `
   `-  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                             '  `  `

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