Hi Again! 

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 02:17:01PM -0400, Jack Howarth wrote:
>   Now that I have the font issue sorted out I decided to
>test the latest debian ppc jdk packages that Stephen Zander
>deb http://people.debian.org/~gibreel/debian sid  main non-free
>deb-src  http://people.debian.org/~gibreel/debian sid  main non-free

first, thnx for these apt-get lines, I did not know them :)
Just I drop the java from scratch! :)

>He used a new build of j2sdk 1.3.1 which I did that is linked
>against a -fPIC libXm.a so that openoffice java applet support 
>works. I tested this against Kevin Hendrick's OpenOffice 1.0
>build. I am having trouble getting the debian openoffice.org
>package to do the same. I noticed that it never asked me
>where the java environment was when I ran openoffice as a user
>the first time. Do you guys have java disabled? The location
>of Stephen's java enviroment in his package is...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ less /etc/openoffice/autoresponse.conf 


What do you have there? 

>Shouldn't we have this path checked in the openoffice.org packages
>and java enabled if it is present? I tried running setup from
>.openoffice in my account but I was only presented with the choice
>of deinstalling it from my account. Should I deinstall it and run
>setup again so I can select the j2re? Thanks in advance for any

For me, I would be pleased, if we drop java completly .. :) It is
non-free, and non-free sucks :)

But, I think, you are right, if some has java installed on his system,
we should detect it and enable or asking, whether to enable java or not.

Chris/Peter ... this could be realized with debconf, I think!


  .''`.    Jan-Hendrik Palic     |
 : :' : ** Debian GNU/ Linux **  |   ** OpenOffice.org **         ,.. ,..
 `. `'   http://www.debian.org   | http://www.openoffice.org    ,: ..`   `
   `-  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                             '  `  `

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