
On Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 08:05:26PM +0200, Vincas Dargis wrote:
> I guess we need yet another abstraction to prepare :) . I could search for

Yeah. And update the kde one...


(for 6.1)

> > w?
> > 
> > The document opened, though or did that fail?
> Looks like "xpdfimport" inherited file handle from parent (soffice.bin?).
> I do not see rules allowing to read PDF files from anywhere in
> `usr.lib.libreoffice.program.xpdfimport`. If `xpdfimport` only actually
> reads PDF's from these `/tmp/*` paths (maybe soffice.bin copies it there? I
> do not know how it works), it might mean that it would work without
> allowing. It could be simply a artifact, inherited file handle and would not
> be allowed for xpdfimport to read/write, but it doesn't meen it actually
> uses it, if I understood explanation myself. I've seen this in other
> profiles, denying these noises could be a solution.

Ah, interesting. Yeah, could be, "of course" draw would open stuff rw...

> > Hrmpf. more mozilla stuff.
> It would be nice if LibreOffice would have utility application for dealing
> with these signing stuff, not accessing these files directly...

Jup. That made gpg in a subprofile possible. Then again, for
lo_kde5filepicker above that's also done but we need to allow a shitload
of other stuff, too (see above commit).



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