On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 03:56:05PM +0100, Olivier Tilloy wrote:
> > I am not sure. Then it wouldn't be a metapackage anymore... And if you
> > do that how would people installing e.g. libreoffice-writer,
> > libreoffice-calc, libreoffice-impress etc. get a "LibreOffice" (without
> > "Writer" etc) entry? They wouldn't.
> Indeed. So maybe a solution would be to exclude
> libreoffice-startcenter.desktop from appstream metadata, so
> gnome-software and other stores don't surface a "LibreOffice" entry
> that effectively only installs libreoffice-common.
> Not sure how that would work, I'm not familiar with how that metadata
> is extracted.

Especially since libreoffice-startcenter.desktop is not in appstreams

$ dpkg -L libreoffice-common | grep appd
$ for i in writer calc base impress draw; do dpkg -L libreoffice-$i | grep 
appd; done

So how would it get their info from?

Or we do it together with
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=883734 (and basically
removing the .desktop) though I still don't lkike that..



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