On 22/10/17 19:59, varsha sharma wrote:
> Hi !
> I am Varsha Sharma, a recent graduate in computer science engineering. I
> am interested in the Calender  Database project under Debian organization. 
> I am familiar with basic web development stack(HTML, CSS, jQuery,
> Javascript, Bootstrap, PHP, Angular) and languages like Java and Python.
> Please guide me taking up this project and start contributing. Refer me
> to relevant links and blogs related for this project.

Here are some comments I sent to other applicants already:

Thanks for your interest in the Calendar project in Outreachy

For anybody applying to work on this project in Outreachy, we are still
looking at potential candidates but as with any Outreachy project, we
can't guarantee if it will be funded or if you will be selected.

For everybody who wants to be considered:

- please make sure you submit your details in
https://outreachy.gnome.org before the deadline Monday night (23 October)

- for your project plan: look at the new wiki page[1] I created.  Try to
pick just one area of this project that you would focus on for 12
weeks.  Which would you choose?  How would you implement it?  Which
libraries, tools or APIs would you use?

- for your contributions: It is essential that you show some evidence of
prior contributions to free software projects, either during this
application period or in the past.  Please include in the application
form links to any other similar work you have contributed or published
to any other project, preferably in the last 12 months.  This could
include links to contributions you made for other Outreachy
applications.  If you want to do something specific for this Calendar
topic, you can find any existing code or examples related to the
calendar concept,in any programming language you feel confident using,
fork them into your own Github account and make some small improvements
to them and put links to that work in your Outreachy application.

If you have any questions before the deadline, please ask on the mailing
list debian-outreach@lists.debian.org or the #debian-outreach IRC channel

You can also continue publishing any contributions or experiments you
make with code related to this topic after the deadline, anything you do
over the next week is likely to be seen during the selection process.



1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2017/10/msg00014.html

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