On 28 Nov 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>       Since /etc/aliases is not a conf file belonging to any package
>  whatsoever, sectiosn 4.7 and 5.5 are not in conflict. I am closing
>  this report. 

Please, read carefully the bug report. Policy says:

"A package may not modify a configuration file of another package."

but /etc/aliases is certainly a configuration file for sendmail.

It does not say a "conffile" in the dpkg sense, it says a "configuration
file". If policy says "a configuration file" but it should say just
"a conffile" then policy should be clarified, at least.

I still think this is a little inconsistency that should be fixed
to avoid confusion.

 "d727d8acee49b053575a7ebca9668994" (a truly random sig)

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