In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Brian White  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I don't want a separate directory for Debian to use.  I would like the
>standard directory available for the webmaster to use.  Think of
>/cgi-lib/ as an equivalent to /usr/lib/ or /usr/bin/, and /cgi-bin/ as
>an equivalent to /usr/local/bin/.

I agree completely.

I'd prefer the following:

/debian-cgi-bin   instead of /cgi-bin
/debian-doc       instead of /doc

The general "Alias /doc/ /usr/doc/" in srm.conf also causes a lot
of trouble if you (or one of the vhost customers) has an existing
/doc directory ...

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

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