On debian-policy, Chris Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Making this policy would require modifying a *huge* number of
> programs.  The EDITOR and VISUAL variables are *NIX traditions, and
> are already supported by most well-written programs, and even many
> badly written ones.
> IOW, we support the EDITOR variable because so many programs just
> happen to support it already, so making it policy is relatively
> painless.  This is not true of a proposal to add a new variable.
> If you want the same effect, you can simply have EDITOR point to a
> script which tests whether X is running or not, and calls an
> appropriate editor, depending.

Talking about the enviroment variables EDITOR and VISUAL, I was under the
impression that EDITOR is meant for a line editor, like ed or ex, and VISUAL is
for a visual editor, like vi or emacs. If a program is running in a situation
where a display editor is appropriate it calls the program in VISUAL otherwise
it calls the program specified by EDITOR. I currently have both VISUAL and
EDITOR set to vim. Is this the `wrong way' (tm) should I have EDITOR set to ed
or ex, or is there no case where the situation of needing a line editor could
arise? Are both variables still needed, should they both be kept but always
set to the same thing?

I consume, therefore I am

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