>>"Santiago" == Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Santiago> If we followed this rule of "only object in extreme circumstances",
 Santiago> we could be drawing circles forever. See:

        On the contrary, if every one objected formally all the time
 we shall never resolve anything. The moethod right now talks about,
 if there was no consensus, to call for a supermajority vote of
 75%. Under you model of doing thnigs, votes shall never be required
 -- either everyone agrees, or if 4 people do not like vene one part
    of the proposal, it dies.

        I think that is unacceptable.

        I think we do need to exercise  restraint in formal
 objections. If you are so sure that you are right, it should not be
 hard to convinve the others of your views. If you can't, then may be
 you are indeed the one whoi is ``wrong''.

        I think that the current attitude of intellectual intolerance
 (I *must be right, and everyone else is obvioulsy wrong) would make
 the policy list ineffective.

 FORTUNE'S RULES TO LIVE BY: #23 Don't cut off a police car when
 making an illegal U-turn.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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