On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 02:46:20PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> Here is my revised text for this proposal. I guess it wouldn't hurt to get a
> few seconds for it.
>  2.3.2. The maintainer of a package
>  ----------------------------------
> -     Every package must have exactly one maintainer at a time.  This person
> -     is responsible that the license of the package's software complies
> -     with the policy of the distribution this package is included in.
> +     Every package must have a maintainer (the maintainer may be one person
> +     or a group of people reachable from a common email address, such as a
> +     mailing list).  The maintainer is responsible for ensuring that the
> +     package is placed in the appropriate distribution.


G. Branden Robinson            |
Debian GNU/Linux               |         kernel panic -- causal failure
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |         universe will now reboot
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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