On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Brian Russo wrote:

> > I'm willing to spend some time on the packages that are orphaned, it
> > doesn't matter if they are officially maintained by QA or by me. Has
> > anyone a good reason why it's bad when I take care of these packages
> > instead of seeing them getting removed? I can't see the benefits when we
> > get rid of let's say 50 packages.
> I'm not saying you don't have a right to upload -qa packages or any
> such thing. What I don't understand is if you really think they're
> useful, why you don't adopt them outright (no, not adopt then RFA).
> One of the present tasks of the -qa team is maintaining orphaned
> packages, but beyond a certain point, they must be dropped.
> Benefits of removing 50 crappy packages:
> o.    Number of bugs in general goes down.
> o.    Users are confronted with less crap to install
> o.    Fewer collisions in the package name/file system namespace.
> o.    Less load on BTS, ftp archives, mirrors, et al.

We are talking about less than 1% of the packages in Debian, less packages
than the number of new packages each week.

> o.    Debian has less of a reputation for having old, worthless crappy
>       packages.

When you can say why a package is worthless for everyone I think this is a
good reason for a removal.

> o.    QA team can (maybe) spend time ACTUALLY doing QA instead of
>       maintaining old, worthless packages that nobody visibly cares about.

I want to spend time on this packages to avoid them getting removed.

> o.    If they're crappy worthless packages, what's the real benefit of
>       having them any? And WHY hadn't they been adopted ages ago?

Not every user is a developer?

> o.    Fewer flamewars on "old crappy packages" on -policy, -qa, etc.

I think there are fewer flamewars when we keep the packages...

> one last thought, it seems accepted that its ok for maintainers to
> ask for their packages to be removed, if this is true, would anyone
> object if i adopted a package then asked for its removal?
> i know this is silly, but then i think this whole thread is silly.

The day after the package was removed I can send an ITP and upload a new
package where I'm the maintainer and you can't stop this package from
being in Debian again...
Sorry, are we kids and everyone of us wants to be the most clever kid or
are we intelligent adults?



Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind wagen wir sie nicht,
sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen sind sie schwierig.

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