On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 08:33:56PM +0400, Peter Novodvorsky wrote:
> Anton Zinoviev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On  1.VI.2001 at 14:00 Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't know about Arabic and Hebrew, but russian people don't like

arabic and hebrew pose s problem by themselves (right-to-left scripts),
unicode or no unicode...

> We'll have some problems with UTF. One of them -- linux console driver
> doesn't have full unicode support. So users will be able to read
> russian texts only in X11. Imagine the situation when user just installed

it does not have full unicode support, but acceptable for
left-to-right scripts. As a matter of fact, cyrillic works
flawlessly (with the exception of some letters looking ugly :-))

LatArCyrHeb font supports all iso latin, greek and cyrillic scripts,
for other (left-to-right - how many are there?) scripts
the matter is as simple as loading an appropriate font.

Arabic and hebrew have problem of being written right-to-left,
and therefore they cannot be easily supported, unicode or not.

CJK and similar require much different characters fonts then VGA
hardware is capable of displaying in text mode - so they neither
can be supported, unicode or not.

So we have the choice:
1) try to switch to unicode, without addressing CJ, hebrew, arabic -
 it solves many problems, 
2) in addition of 1), support CJK - a lot of work since
this cannot be done in text mode 
3) in addition to 2), support right-to-left scripts - even more work

1a) better support of national 8 bit codes - a bit less work than
    1), with much less overall improvement 
2a)  support 16bit national CJK codes - somewhat more work than 2),
     with less improvement
3a)  support right-to-left scripts via national codes - 
     probably as much work as 3), less overall improvement
to me, the choice is clear...
start with 1)
then, when unicode infrastructure is there, deal with 2),
and then with 3)

| Radovan Garabik http://melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik/ |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @ melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk     |
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