On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Steve Greenland wrote:

> On 31-Aug-01, 10:43 (CDT), Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As of today, there is only one GPL file. In my opinion it's soon for that.
> > However, if you insist that this has to be done now, then please get
> > policy changed first. For example:
> No, we change practice first, then policy.

Are you sure? Hmm, perhaps we should have waited for all packages
moving to /usr/share/doc before making it policy ;-)

By "Get policy changed first" I mean "Make a proposal, get two
seconds, no objections, and wait one week before it's accepted".

I would not object to such proposal, but I will not second it or
propose it myself, because I think it solves a problem which does not
currently exist.

> The file has to be there before policy can tell other packages to use it.

I disagree. After the proposal is approved I can put the file there
before the debian-policy.deb is updated. In the unlikely case I fail
to do that, it would be just a (yourfavouriteseverityhere) bug in
base-files, which in any way should prevent people from following

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