On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, VALETTE Eric wrote:

> I have been discussing quite a lot on different debian mailing list on a
> way to automate debian installation. The final and almost unfiform
> answer was to use debconf in non-interactive mode.
> The technical reason is that due to use of tty the following command
> does not work :
> dpkg -i pakace << EOF
> input1
> input2
> So far the following packages do not follow the rule :
>          1) lilo,
>          2) wu-ftpd,
>          3) php4-* pacakges,
>          4) bind

5) exim  (our default MTA)

> So could the debian policy regarding package postinst script ask either
> to use debconf for automatic install or at least provide a mean to user
> to answer question asked by postinst script to be entered via scripts or
> files but no typing required.
> Thanks for any comment and sorry if that has already been discussed.

I will support a proposal that every interaction with the user a package
makes with the user during installation must be done using debconf. But
this is a post-woody thing.



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