On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 11:58:31AM -0700, Chris Waters wrote:
> The second
> reason is also about consistency: during the transition, there will be
> some packages using update-rc.d and some using rc.d-update, which may
> confuse people studying our packages.  Not strong reasons, but reasons
> nonetheless.

It also breaks partial upgrades once the transition is complete:
upgrading sysvinit to an "rc.d-update" only version will mean you're
no longer able to upgrade old packages to anything but "rc.d-update"
compliant versions.  If one of those packages happen to have become
unmaintained in the meantime, you're a bit screwed. There's no way of
avoiding this, since update-rc.d is considered "essential" and no one
depends on it. You could do a tedious usr/share/doc-style transition over
two or three releases, but there just isn't any point to all this. How
pretty names are isn't *that* important. If they were, we'd've changed
"/etc" to "/conf" and so on years ago.


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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