On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 10:33:51PM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> +         Packages which use the Debian Configuration management
> +         specification must allow for translation of their messages
> +         by using a gettext-based system such as the one provided by
> +         the <package>po-debconf</package> package.

> I'm perfectly aware that this introduces a "must" without doing it a
> "should" before, which is probably not very common practice. However, given
> the low impact of this change after two NMU campaigns on existing packages
> to make them switch to po-debconf, this would indeed be possible, in my
> opinion.

I'd suggest "should" along with the use of usertags to track bugs that
aren't fixed, and regular NMUing to make sure the issues actually get
fixed as necessary.

I'm strongly in favour of having proactive translation and QA teams
that track classes of problems independently of the release team and
make use of NMUs and similar to ensure they're consistently fixed across
the distribution.  I think we've got the technology and the ability to
handle that without using the must/RC-severity stuff and bothering the
release team.


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