On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 14:42 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> I'm not sure how many of these were false positives, but I'm fairly sure
> that at least some of them are real:
> http://lintian.debian.org/tags/read-in-maintainer-script.html

Not all that many, and some will be false positives.  I think we should
go for it...

> Yes.  I think there was some sort of essential package exception discussed
> earlier in the bug (although even essential packages should try debconf
> first and fall back if it's not available, I think).

I'd be very happy to see a policy change for this, so long as it allowed
that packages may fall back if debconf (or other alternative) is not

The current relevant text is:

        Package maintainer scripts may prompt the user if necessary.
        Prompting should be done by communicating through a program,
        such as debconf, which conforms to the Debian Configuration
        Management Specification, version 2 or higher. Prompting the
        user by other means, such as by hand[9], is now deprecated.

I think we should change that fairly simply to something like:

        Package maintainer scripts may prompt the user if necessary.
        Prompting must be done by communicating through a program, such
        as debconf, which conforms to the Debian Configuration
        Management Specification, version 2 or higher, unless no such
        interface is available when they are executed.


(a) changes the 'should' to a 'must';
(b) gives an out for those situations where debconf is not installed;
(c) narrowly focuses that 'out' only to apply during execution
(d) seems to me to be a simpler and more elegant approach than other
wording proposals against this bug.

I've attached a patch to that effect.


andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com                            +64(272)DEBIAN
             Don't go surfing in South Dakota for a while.

diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml
index df586d1..342b6c4 100644
--- a/policy.sgml
+++ b/policy.sgml
@@ -1218,17 +1218,11 @@
 	  <heading>Prompting in maintainer scripts</heading>
 	    Package maintainer scripts may prompt the user if
-	    necessary. Prompting should be done by communicating
+	    necessary. Prompting must be done by communicating
 	    through a program, such as <prgn>debconf</prgn>, which
 	    conforms to the Debian Configuration Management
-	    Specification, version 2 or higher.  Prompting the user by
-	    other means, such as by hand<footnote>
-                From the Jargon file: by hand 2. By extension,
-                writing code which does something in an explicit or
-                low-level way for which a presupplied library
-                (<em>debconf, in this instance</em>) routine ought
-                to have been available.
-            </footnote>, is now deprecated.
+	    Specification, version 2 or higher, unless no such
+	    interface is available when they are executed.

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