Sorry for the late reply, I had forgotten about this.

On 22/11/11 14:29, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Le Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:08:44PM +0000, Ximin Luo a écrit :
>> The fundamental problem:
>> DEP5 is unclear about what is meant by a "license".
> Dear Ximin,
> thank you for your comments and for pointing out that the examples in the
> current draft are not consistent with the draft's syntax.  I will file a bug
> about this later.

Um, I was not aware that I had made this point. What I was trying to argue
however, is that

- License: paragraphs are not defined in a good way
- because of this bad/unclear definition, DEP5 uses "license notices" as
examples for License: stanzas, which I argued is wrong.

I don't think this is an "inconsistency" as such, but I do think DEP5 needs to
be fixed to address this.

> I would like to re-frame the discussion and remind that, at the base of the
> DEP, there are the requirements of the Debian policy, of the Debian archive
> administrators, and the common practice. 
> In the case of the (L)GPL, it is common practice to use the license notices as
> found in headers of files as if they were the actual license text.  First
> because the Policy §12.5 specifies that the copyright file should point at
> /usr/share/common-licenses instead of quoting these licenses, and second
> because the Archive administrators require us to include these headers
> (

I am arguing that the "common practise" is incorrect.

The first reason does not hold: pointing to a license file is different to
including a "license notice" because a "license notice" is NOT a *license*, it
often contains extra information (like authors and which software).

The second reason also does not hold: That email you quoted is about the
copyright file as a whole, whereas I am only arguing against the License:
stanza. Of course the file as a whole must contain information equivalent to a
"license notice". But the License: stanza must not, as I argued before.

> I believe this is quite well summarised in the DEP iself, but your 
> suggestions for
> improvement are most welcome.  See 
> Because the license notices differ between GPL-n and GPL-n+, I think that it 
> is
> consistent to not accept to factorise them with the same stand-alone license
> paragraph.

I am arguing that this is inconsistent. GPL-2+ is equivalent to (GPL-2 or GPL-3
or ...) but for other similar cases, such as (MPL or GPL), DEP5 currently
forces me to split them into separate License: paragraphs.

To be consistent, you must pick one of these two:

- License: paragraphs can't be split - they specify the entire terms for a
given set of files. "MPL or LGPL or GPL" is separate license from "LGPL or GPL"
and they each need separate License: paragraphs
- License: paragraphs can be split into common components, and "relicensing"
comments be pushed back into the File: paragraph, and disallowed to be in the
License: paragraph. This forbids many many "license notices" which often
contain such information.

I also think that "license notices" should just be barred outright from
License: paragraphs since they also often contain authorship/software
information, which could conflict with other File: paragraphs that want to use
the same License. Allowing conflict-less cases but barring conflicting cases
would just be untidy.

> In the case of the BSD-family licenses, my feeling is that indeed, they all
> differ as soon as the wording changes, in particular when the persons or
> institutions whose name “must not be used to endorse usage…” differ.  This 
> said
> I think that in most countries, this clause is redundant with laws protecting
> the usage of other's names, which makes the BSD variants discussed here
> practically equivalent.  Accordingly, is collating them under the 
> same
> short name.
> The case of the MPL, and the other long licenses with variable notices or
> exhibit (or however they are called), is more difficult as one would have to
> include the exhibit in the Files paragraph and the full, invarable text in the
> stand-alone License paragraph.  While the DEP does not disallow to do that, it
> opens difficult questions on how to represent the information.  In the case of
> the MPL, a workaround could be to include its full text in
> /usr/share/common-licenses.
> This said, I expect that the first uses cases of machine-reading DEP-5
> copyright files will focus on the license short names.  For the rest, I think
> that we would benefit of first observing if there is convergence in people's
> practice.  The parsers used to edit, validate or display the copyright files
> will for sure be influential on this convergence.  In that context, I think
> that suggestions like license exception paragraph are more relevant for a 1.1
> revision.  If needed I would agree to modify the DEP to not disallow them.  
> For
> instance:  “Parsers may recognise extra types paragraphs, but this is not
> required to comply to this specification”.
> Have a nice day,


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