Dear Ximin,

the patch you proposed moves a lot of text without changing it, which makes it
difficult to review.  Moreover, I think that there is a long-standing consensus
to not change the normative parts of this format unless unavoidable.

I have refrained from commenting until you pinged the bug, because I know that
it is faster to write negative comments, and I wanted to give a chance to
others to write supportive comments first.  However, no feedback came.  For me
it underlines that the patch you sent is not creating consensus or enthousiasm.

Every Debian developers have write access to the DEP Subversion repository, but
the purpose is to let all DDs create new DEPs.  For modifications of the drafts
there needs consensus.  At the current point, I strongly object to changes that
will invalidate existing Debian copyright files, and I strongly suggest to stop
perfecting the document unless there is a general agreement that some parts are
too difficult to understand.  Seeing many people doing the same mistake is
usually a good metric for this.

In our case, while it can be debated what is optimal to put or not put in
stand-alone license files, the Debian copyright files following the current
version of the specification already fit well their purpose.  Let's defer
further complifications – or simplifications – to future releases.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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