The "really clean" solution without any Apple stuff has convinced
me. Could you perhaps give an example how to use cpio to backup my
ext2-partition, the usage seems quite complicated to me...

And, which tool did you use for partitioning, mac-fdisk? 

Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 10:52:33AM +0200, Andre Berger wrote:
> > Is there a way to change the partition scheme without data loss or
> > re-formatting? I have a PowerBook 3400/potato. My partition scheme is: 
> im not a big fan of partition resizing, you really need to make a
> backup anyway becuase if anything goes wrong well...
> > /dev/hda
> >         #                    type name                length   base    ( 
> > size )  system
> > /dev/hda1     Apple_partition_map Apple                   63 @ 1       ( 
> > 31.5k)  Partition map
> > /dev/hda2          Apple_Driver43 Macintosh               54 @ 64      ( 
> > 27.0k)  Driver 4.3
> > /dev/hda3          Apple_Driver43 Macintosh               74 @ 118     ( 
> > 37.0k)  Driver 4.3
> > /dev/hda4        Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh               54 @ 192     ( 
> > 27.0k)  Unknown
> > /dev/hda5        Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh               74 @ 246     ( 
> > 37.0k)  Unknown
> > /dev/hda6           Apple_Patches Patch Partition        512 @ 320     
> > (256.0k)  Unknown
> > /dev/hda7         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /                  2137464 @ 832     (  
> > 1.0G)  Linux native
> > /dev/hda8         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap                163840 @ 2138296 ( 
> > 80.0M)  Linux swap
> > /dev/hda9               Apple_HFS untitled 3          511973 @ 2302136 
> > (250.0M)  HFS
> > /dev/hda10             Apple_Free Extra                 8291 @ 2814109 (  
> > 4.0M)  Free space
> > 
> [snip fdisk crap]
> > 
> > I would like to grow my ext2 /dev/hda7 at the expense of the mac
> > partition /dev/hda9 (for which 50mb should be enough). Plan B: If possible, 
> > I
> > would also like to add an Apple_Bootstrap partition for yaboot.
> are you planning on deleting macos permanently?  or reinstalling it in
> a smaller partition?  i am going to assume deletion as 250MB is
> already barly enough space for macos. 
> i would say its possible, but you have to do it carefully and while
> quite sober ;-)
> first don't make the mistake of changing the partition size and then
> expecting the filesystem to suddenly have more space, it does not work
> that way.  first you would have to resize the partition and then
> resize the filesystem with ext2resize.  i would say you could delete
> hda8 and hda9 then resize hda7 to fill that space leaving 800K for
> bootstrap, add the bootstrap partition last in this case is fine since
> you have no more macos partitions.  so you would have something like
> this:
> > /dev/hda
> >         #                    type name                length   base    ( 
> > size )  system
> > /dev/hda1     Apple_partition_map Apple                   63 @ 1       ( 
> > 31.5k)  Partition map
> > /dev/hda2          Apple_Driver43 Macintosh               54 @ 64      ( 
> > 27.0k)  Driver 4.3
> > /dev/hda3          Apple_Driver43 Macintosh               74 @ 118     ( 
> > 37.0k)  Driver 4.3
> > /dev/hda4        Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh               54 @ 192     ( 
> > 27.0k)  Unknown
> > /dev/hda5        Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh               74 @ 246     ( 
> > 37.0k)  Unknown
> > /dev/hda6           Apple_Patches Patch Partition        512 @ 320     
> > (256.0k)  Unknown
> > /dev/hda7         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /                  2137464 @ 832     (  
> > 1.0G)  Linux native
> > /dev/hda8         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap                163840 @ 2138296 ( 
> > 80.0M)  Linux swap
> > /dev/hda9       Apple_Bootstrap bootstrap           XXXXXX @ XXXXXXX (  
> > 800K)  Unknown
> the numbers are wrong, im too lazy/tired to calculate them, but your /
> partition would be about 254MB larger.  at that point you would need
> to run ext2resize, from a boot floppy/CD whatever in order to actually
> reclaim the space.
> AFAIK that would work but i have never tried it, when i need to change
> partitioning i just clear the table and do it from scratch.  
> that is really what i would reccommend you do, since i would NEVER
> attempt to screw with this without a complete backup of your data, and
> if you have a backup why not just do the partitioning right from
> scratch in the right order? 
> also this is an example of why monolithic huge / partitions are bad,
> if you had farmed your partitions into / /var /usr /home it would
> probably be easier to make these adjustments without as much
> inconvenience.  just my $0.02
> > I could also swap my data to another HDD if necessary; it would be
> > fine to use this ext.HDD as a mirror for my int.HDD. Is there a tool
> > That Mirrors /dev/hda7 including all ext2 permissions?
> if you make a filesystem you can just use cpio to exactly duplicate
> it, then cpio it back to the original, i used this method to transfer
> the contents of my old 6GB hard disk to a new 20GB, worked very well,
> no permissions or link problems at all.  
> the other thing that might work is creating a tar archive directly to
> the raw disk device, i have never done that so im not sure that would
> work or not.  (it works with tapes of course so i would think disks
> too...) 
> if the disks are the same size (EXACTLY!) you can use dd, but i don't
> like that idea much. 
> my advice is backup and partition like so:
> /dev/hda1         Apple_partition_map Apple          
> /dev/hda2         Apple_Bootstrap bootstrap  ( 800K)    
> /dev/hda3         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /          ( 64MB)
> /dev/hda4         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap       ( 96MB)
> /dev/hda5,6,7...  Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /usr /var /home /usr/local and other 
> assorted partitions
> none of that apple driver crap (unless you are installing macos again) 
> partition tables look SOO much nicer without all that apple cruft in
> there ;-)
> -- 
> Ethan Benson

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