On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Michael Schmitz wrote:

> > I have been trying to compile a new kernel for
> > my newworld G4 SMP snakebite Mac.
> >
> > I've finally narrowed down the Oops problem to the
> > Adaptec aic7xxx driver/modules.
> >
> > When I compile the aic7xxx support (either old or new)
> > into the kernel it Oopses.  When I compile it as a module
> > it getseither a bus error or:
> > aic7xxx.o: unresolved symbol del_timer_sync
> > aic7xxx.o: unresolved symbol kernel_flag
> Are these module load warnings? Bus error or warnings happen with the same
> identical modules?

Actually I've noticed something curious.  If I compile the
same kernel sources with the same kernel config, with a cross compiler on
my PC and a native compiler on my Mac (Linux on both) the modules do not
seem to be interchangeable.  Should they be? For example I copied the
2.4.22-pre6 cross compiled modules from my PC to my Mac Linux setup
and the modules would not load into the 2.4.22-pre6 kernel that was
compiled on my Mac Linux with the same .config file.  When I say
copied I mean create a tarball of the modules on the PC and untar'd
them on the Mac.  Both compilers are gcc 3.3.x vintage but the binutils
may be quite different versions.  I think the cross binutils on the
PC is a bit older than the binutils on the Debian PPC setup.


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