On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 16:18:44 -0500
"W. Crowshaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry I didn't follow the discussion... maybe this won't apply to your 
particuklar issue.

However, if you have troubles getting an ATI XClaim 3D working with X, I can 
remember I had one working.

The card was an ATI XCLaim 3D (Plus) with a Rage LT Pro Chipset. I had it 
working with a 4.2 version of the xserver using the 'ati' driver (which loaded 
atimisc, I think).
I remember I had some problems with the display : the X server was running 
fine, but my monitor wouldn't show anything... I had to set the 
'referenceclock' parameter to a special value. I posted my config to the list 
at that time, try looking in the archives.

Again, sorry for the lack of details, but the machine doesn't run X anymore. 
I'll check to see if I have a backup of my config file somewhere.


Simon Vallet
Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon

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