On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 [21:51],
    Jamie Wilkinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> This one time, at band camp, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> >I've been using the ati module in my XFree86 config for my Powerbook IV, so 
> >it
> >doesn't seem to have affected me, but I thought you might be interested in 
> >the
> >warning.
> Actually, it does seem to have affected DRI, glxinfo now reports that no
> direct rendering is occurring.

Also noticed that. Don't get the radeon-driver working with the latest
drivers. My old 2.4.21-pre4-ben0 works nice, but when upgrading to
2.4.22-rc3-ben0 i can't load them at all.


... david röhr              |      o_
.. unix systems consultant  | o/  /\   Solaris, AIX, HP-UX
. qbranch system management | /|_, \\   and GNU/Linux Certified.
        www.qbranch.se        /                    

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