On 4/4/06, cataenry < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Bin,
yes, i've the same problem, in particular, my iBook (PowerBook6,7)
hangs after time_init prints. Now i'm building a kernel with some
printk to detect if it hangs during console_init.

I'm seeing the same problem with 2.6.17-rc1 on my Powerbook6,8.  I get a little further by passing "video=ofonly", which allows me to see these messages:

[ 27.559054] initcall at 0xc02db560:TAU_init  +0x01 0x104(): returned with error code 1

[ 27.560507] initcall at 0xc02ec38c: init_autofs4_fs +0x010x28(): returned with error code  -16

The last line I see is

[ 27.642195] sungem.c:v0.98

Disabling  CONFIG_TAU makes the  first  message go  away,  but  the  second  one  is  still  there.  

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