On Thursday 11 May 2006 02:01, Benoit Chesneau wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'v an alubook (powerbook5,6 1.67)  with ati RV360M11 and I'm tempted
> to pass it under linux. I would like to know if now Airport extrem
> works well 
Works like a charm. You only got to compile a kernel yerself, witch is pretty 
easy once you got the hang of the difference with different archs (you used 
linux on other platforms maby?).
> and if I can video/dvi out under linux and especially 
> debianppc.
This I never use, but rumor has it that it does not work.
> Btw does someone use this laptop fulltime under linux ? For what
> reason? I'm very interrested by your feedback.
Yes, the best development applications is for linux and is both opensource and 
free of charge, witch enables you to fit in with YOU,
Application/user support is very mature in comparison to almost any other 
paid-for substitute... and yes, the "buy only" software is ONLY substitute.
I come to feel like OSX is a bit slow??? dunno. and simple tasks for anyone 
used linux before, like the easy copy/paste on the mouse.
easy module handling ( I dont know about the rest. but Tiger really really 
really dont like modules.
Good menusystems. osx lacks good menues. Try rename a file without the 
Terminal. Take ages to work out the workflow.

I got one thing to like OSX for, the handling of Airtunes, this little piece 
of hardware is pain with linux. I would like a simple measure to make Juk do 
the same, I guess that would run iTunes out o' business witch just comes to 
my mind also does not like 300gb with ogg/mp3 mix.


> Regards.
> Benoît

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