On Friday 19 May 2006 20:42, you wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 19:49 +0200, Børge Holen wrote:
> > I mean this has to be a flaw in; take my kernel 2.6.17-rc4 with Ben
> > Collins 5,8 toonie patch. This patch only let me output sound in a
> > generic way ( and a long explenation...). Hence forth; the original
> > kernelwork does not have the correct "thecorrectwhateveryoutrytoexplain"
> > or am I missing a point here?
> Right, that patch only allows 44100 Hz and 16-bit sample depth.
> > AND in the same time, Arts does this fuckup to, cuz whenever I use alsa
> > directly with mplayer & vlc (since the movie was my only problem) I got
> > this sound where I can actually hear what the acctors say.
> > Then momen arts (noatun with movie)  puts its sound throught it
> > scrambles.
> Still does? even with the last version? Arts probably always runs in the
> highest sample depth it can get...

Yes, but Arts output goes throught Alsa. You mean tell me that ARTS pushes up 
(or down) the frequency to a fixed one? That seems like a real overhead ( a 
small one, but a principle point), I would really like my cycles to go 
I also got a feeling that sound produced throught ARTS got a nice(er) touch 
than others. Just a shame with all these problems...
either way ALSA can play movies, thats the important part here.


> johannes

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