On Thursday 10 August 2006 23:53, Adam D wrote:
> OK,  I decided to just install Ubuntu on the 2nd Gen 17" powerbook with
> ext3 as the file system and it works for now instead of booting into xfs.
> Upon startup and starting the network interfaces and then the portmap the
> fan turns on full throttle and spins for a while. It is semi loud and is
> rather annoying.   Is there a way not to have the fan spin when booting
> into Ubunto on startup?

Is the fan a problem? As in; a fault that make it spin, instead of temp.?
Anyway, I believe I had some sort of unagreement with my fan together with 
kernel 2.6.8, while at it, I'm not completely sure.

> -Adam

Kennel Arivene 

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