On Sunday 17 September 2006 13:21, Mark Purcell wrote:
> Can anyone else from debian-powerpc confirm or otherwise issues with
> bcm43xx and 2.6.17-9 version of the kernel.
> I find that the 2.6.16 kernel support for the bcm43xx isn't great, but

I find the support for the bcm is somewhat a bit off with the 2.6.17.x 
I cannot confirm the 17-x versions for the kernel, I tried one of them a few 
weeks back, but had problem connecting to any ap, both withouth and with 
hiddden SSID. I needed two or more tries to get a ip and often lost it, while 
2.6.17-rc6 had no problem connecting to any ap at the first  try.

Also the 2.6.15 deb stock kernel worked perfect for me.

2.6.18-rc* hangs hard at any point it feels for.

Kennel Arivene 

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