* William Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-07-04 13:55]:
> When using DHCP, the wireless works just fine. But with a static ip,
> it fails. Below is my settings:
> ,----[ /etc/network/interfaces ]
> | iface eth1 inet static
> |       wireless-essid "laijh"
> |       wireless-key   off
> |       wireless-rate  1M
> |       wireless-mode  Ad-Hoc
> |       wireless-ap    any
> |
> |       address
> |       netmask
> |       broadcast
> |       gateway
> `----
> Any ideas on this?

Sorry, no.  But I was wondering how you made the above "print".  Is
there some handy utility to pretty-print files like that?  Or did you
[have to] do it by hand?

- Felix

Felix C. Stegerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  http://obfusk.net
~ "Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature."
~   -- R. Kulawiec
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