On Wed, 27 Feb 2008, Norberto Feliberty wrote:
> Hi, Thanks for the reply. You mean I have to build  my own kernel from
> scratch in order to get debain working on the ps3? If so, this is way over my
> head. I have the latest otheros.bld file installed on my ps3  A while back,
> tried an unofficial debain version for ps3 which produced a 60hz screen
> refreshed rate better than any other distro came with. If this is too
> difficult now. I hope to try debain as soon as it becomes easier to install.

Fortunately there's another way, without the need to compile your own kernel:

  - Download the PS3 Linux Distributor's Starter Kit (PS3 LDSK)
    and burn it to a CD
  - Download debian-testing-powerpc-netinst.iso (I still used the one from
    2008-02-20) and burn it to a CD
  - Install the otheros.bld from the PS3 LDSK CD under GameOS
  - Partition the disk under GameOS (i.e. assign a piece to OtherOS)
  - Copy /boot/vmlinux from the PS3 LDSK CD to a USB stick
  - Insert the Debian CD and the USB stick
  - Boot into Linux. At the kboot prompt, type

        sdd1:/vmlinux initrd=/install/powerpc/initrd.gz

      o kboot should have mounted the Debian CD automatically
      o the `sdd1' may be different, depending on USB probe order and the
        partitions on your USB stick

  - The Debian installer runs. Install on the hard drive as you would do on
    any other machine.  It will complain about not having a kernel image
    package and a boot loader, just ignore and continue.
  - After reboot, boot into Debian on the hard drive by typing at the kboot

        sdd1:/vmlinux root=/dev/ps3da1

      o This assumes you installed Debian on the first partition of the
        internal hard drive
      o the `sdd1' may be different, depending on USB probe order and the
        partitions on your USB stick

  - Insert the PS3 LDSK CD
  - Install the kernel from the RPM package on the PS3 LDSK CD:

        apt-get install rpm
        mount /media/cdrom0
        cd /
        rpm2cpio /media/cdrom0/target/kernel-* | cpio -iv
        depmod -av

      o Probably alien would work too, but alien depends on many more packages
        than plain rpm

  - Create /etc/kboot.conf, so it looks like:

        linux='/boot/vmlinux-2.6.24 root=/dev/ps3da1'

      o The actual name of the kernel image may differ, depending on the
        version of the PS3 LDSK you used.
      o This assumes you installed Debian on the first partition of the
        internal hard drive


With kind regards,

Geert Uytterhoeven
Software Architect

Sony Network and Software Technology Center Europe
The Corporate Village · Da Vincilaan 7-D1 · B-1935 Zaventem · Belgium

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