Le jeu. 12 déc. 2019 à 08:32, jjhdiederen <jjhdiede...@zonnet.nl> a écrit :
> PowerMac 7,3 G5 2.5 DP PCI-X Mid-2004 is affected with this bug. The
> machine freezes at boot due to the new ppc64 kernel.

Thanks for the reports!

So it's not all G5, but it's across generations - the iMac is PCIe.
Perhaps multiprocessors?

Could you share the screen/log of the crash?

For my G5 with 5.5rc1 I have one, but the photo is terrible:
Timestamps overlap, as after the 'crash' (backtrace) there was
more messages from the (S)ATA subsystem.


Romain Dolbeau

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