On ma, 2010-09-13 at 14:53 +0100, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> The current DEP5 draft says:
>  * **`Files`**
>    * Required for all but the first paragraph.
>      If omitted from the first paragraph,
>      this is equivalent to a value of '*'.
>    * Syntax: white space separated list
>    * List of patterns indicating files covered by the license
>      and copyright specified in this paragraph.  See "File patterns" below.

Unless there are objections, I am going to apply the attached patch to
the DEP5 spec. It's a tiny bit different from what I originally
proposed, but should achieve the mission of getting rid of the
optionality of "Files: *".
=== modified file 'dep5.mdwn'
--- dep5.mdwn	2010-09-13 13:45:36 +0000
+++ dep5.mdwn	2010-09-22 15:48:43 +0000
@@ -179,9 +179,7 @@
 applies to all files and lists all applicable copyrights and licenses.
  * **`Files`**
-   * Required for all but the first paragraph.
-     If omitted from the first paragraph,
-     this is equivalent to a value of '*'.
+   * Required (not in header paragraph).
    * Syntax: white space separated list
    * List of patterns indicating files covered by the license
      and copyright specified in this paragraph.  See "File patterns" below.

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