Oh dear.

Linking to spdx.org is clearly a bad idea. We should link to
locations that are stable.

This should really be fixed in the debian-policy git, but since
any changes there are currently having massive lag time, I'll just
Cc debian-project to notify people of the problem, while we figure
out what to actually do. (I do not want to make any changes that
may have to be made in many places.)

On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 12:22:15AM +0200, m...@cryptolab.net wrote:
> First of all sorry for my bad english, i'm italian.
> On the page http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/ some link of license
> are broken.
> - Apache license 1.0
>   http://spdx.org/licenses/ASL-1.0 was changed in
> http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-1.0
> - Apache license 2.0
>   http://spdx.org/licenses/ASL-2.0 was changed in
> http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0
> - CDDL
>   http://spdx.org/licenses/CDDL was changed in
> http://spdx.org/licenses/CDDL-1.0
> - GNU Library General Public License 1.0
>   http://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-1.0 was changed in ? ( On
> http://spdx.org/licenses/ is present "GNU Library General Public
> License v2 only" and "GNU Library General Public License v2 or
> later".
> - GNU Free Documentation License
>   http://spdx.org/licenses/FDL-1.0 was changed *probably* whit
> http://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.1
> - Python license
>   http://spdx.org/licenses/Python-CNRI was changed in ? ( The only
> version is Python License 2.0 : http://spdx.org/licenses/Python-2.0
> )
> - Zope Public License 1.0 was changed in Zope Public License 1.1
>   http://spdx.org/licenses/ZPL-1.0 was changed in
> http://spdx.org/licenses/ZPL-1.1
> Thanks!

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