also sprach Paul Wise <> [2015-03-16 12:52 +0100]:
> Re financial donations, I'd personally like to see more focus on
> something like having 20k or more individuals donating $10 a year
> and most of them listed on contributors.d.o, as opposed to turning
> Debian into more of an advertising organisation, which seems to be
> the end of the spectrum we are headed towards.

I don't think Debian should become an advertising organisation.
We have identified some ways in which we could use money that IMHO
requires a cash flow. So I am merely advocating finding ways of
generating that cash flow based on our product and brand, without
losing the soul.

The problem with 20k × $10 / year is collection. We can let Paypal
do this, but I am sure we would find people strongly opposed to
Paypal here. But we'd need to use such a provider, working globally,
but then you are looking at losing 5–10% of those funds to them.

Anyway, the two are not at all in disagreement. Someone giving $10
to Debian every year should be treated with the same diligence as
someone giving 20k, especially since the $10 are likely to be
a larger cut of their budget than 20k for BigCorp.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"if you stew apples like cranberries,
 they taste more like prunes than rhubarb does."
                                                       -- groucho marx

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