On Thu, 08 Dec 2016, Guillem Jover wrote:
> It is not only not obviously right to me, instead it seems obvious
> it carries a set of different problems with it. I feel this carries
> so many assumptions of how the proposers feel about how *they* work
> or might like to work and ignores how *others* do that. :/

I don't think that entirely abolishing maintainership is a good move.
But we should change our process so that by default we have no hard
lockin on most packages.

For packages where the persons doing the work have special requirements,
they should document those requirements in debian/README.maintainers (or

In that file they could:
- ask to review changes prior to upload (and give some delay in which
  they usually respond)
- define some package-policy to follow (conventions, procedures)
- document upstream related things that are good to know
- explain their plan for the next upstream release wrt to Debian's release
- etc.

Team maintained packages could just add a pointer to the team policy.

With such a system, it makes sense to drop the Maintainer/Uploaders from
the package and have it dynamically generated from persons actually
working on the package.

We don't need a sole maintainer to make decisions, everyone is entitled to
make decisions provided that they follow the rules defined by the active
maintainers. And rules can be changed through discussion between active
contributors when reaching a consensus...

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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