Someone who was sort-of-MIA said on -private that they would like to
keep their email forwarding indefinitely, as they move to
emeritus status.

I think that, with some safeguards[1], this would be a good thing to
offer people.  If nothing else people have often used @d.o addresses
in Debian work, where the addresses live on after they move on, and we
should definitely encourage even an emeritus member to be reachable
for answering questions or whatever, as their time and interest

Unfortunately it would mean that such people would still need some
kind of login on Debian systems, so that they could update the email
forwarding.  But it wouldn't have to have the wide powers of an active
DD/DM account.

What do people think ?  How hard would this be ?


Safeguards I think would be appropriate:

The emeritus member should refrain from advertising the
email address, so outgoing emails, web pages, etc., should be updated
to show a different address.  Obviously the point of retaining the old
address is to avoid having to deal with a massive array of existing
places where the address is published, but there should be no active
uses, and any particular instances should be changed on requests by
Debian.  The forwarding would have to be withdrawn if the emeritus
member continued to advertise their @d.o address, or if they did
something sufficiently bad that we would want to disassociate
ourselves from them more completely.


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