On Wed, 2018-04-18 at 15:51 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Lars Wirzenius writes ("Re: Conflict escalation and discipline"):
> > Most of the problems being discussed right now, and in general, seem
> > to be of the sort where feelings are hurt, but harassment isn't
> > happening. The situations seem to be "A did something, and B was
> > offended, how do we get A and B to understand each other, and resolve
> > any conflict, and get A and B to collaborate in the future?".
> > 
> > This implies to me that, at the least, "anti-harassment" is the wrong
> > name for a team that deals with this.
> That's certainly true.  I thought of these ideas:

"Debian emotional support group", maybe.

But maybe wait with the naming until there's a clear description of
what the group is reponsible for.

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