Le Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 04:23:02PM +0000, Matthew Vernon a écrit :
> There have a few posts in recent discussions by people suggesting (or, at
> least, appearing to suggest) that there is a conflict between technical
> excellence and our Code of Conduct (or aiming to increase the diversity of
> our membership, or similar).
> I think there is no such conflict, and that the idea that there is is in
> itself harmful.

Hi Matthew,

regarding people who "appear to suggest" harmful ideas, the Code of
Conduct solves the problem by requesting that we assume good faith...

That means: appreciation for good work is not a suggestion to disregard
the CoC unless explicitely written as such.  Emphasising on peoples
positive traits and contributions in an important tool for reminding
that the main subjects of expulsion processes are not emails or blog
posts pages, but human beings.

Have a nice day,


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