On 2019/06/28 11:48, Gerardo Ballabio wrote:
> I do not think that this is appropriate. Welcoming diversity is one
> thing, supporting pridemonth is another thing. Pridemonth is a set of
> events with a definite political connotation. I don't think that
> Debian should take sides on any specific political issues (except of
> course issues that have a relation to free software), especially if
> that hasn't been discussed at large among project members and there
> isn't a clear consensus.
> Is it just me (and am I being blatantly wrong, if so please enlighten
> me) or do others share my concern?

Probably a bit of a stretch to call it political. As far as I
understand, all that it's about is a shared stance against bigotry and
letting people know that it's ok to be different and that we accept
people from a wide variety of walks of life. Seems in line with our
current policies so I don't really see much of an issue there.

Debian isn't aligning itself with any specific political movement here
so I think in that context, it's really a non-issue. Even if it were,
there are going to be places where you're going to have to pick sides
when protecting basic freedoms become political. This one is very
uncomplicated though.


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
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