Tollef Fog Heen writes ("Re: Using Debian funds to support a gcc development 
> Ian Jackson:
> > Such a small, essentially honorary, contribution wouldn't distort our
> > volunteer setup, and don't need the levels of serious review and
> > engagement that a larger amount does.  But it would act as a tangible
> > way to express that we would like to see something done and might
> > encourage others.
> For me, it's not about the amount at all, but rather that we don't spend
> Debian money on directly paying people or use Debian money as carrots
> for directing effort.

Yes, I understand that.  I think a small amount like $100 or so
doesn't raise the same problems - it's too small to be a significant
carrot, and it seems more of a token/gesture than actually "paying

But I guess from your mail that you see it differently.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address or, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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