Миша <aleksmisha...@gmail.com> writes:

> "This is neither easy nor cheap, and we cannot help
> you with that either." You can add my cert in source code.

Right, but we won't.  This is nothing against you personally (I know
absolutely nothing about your CA or how you run it).  It's for several
other reasons:

1. Verifying certificate authorities use good practices is a complex and
   complicated problem that is way outside of Debian's area of expertise.

2. It's not very useful and causes lots of problems if different
   distributions use different sets of trusted certificates.  There's a
   lot of merit in standardizing the default trusted root CA list across
   multiple distributions and web browsers.

We instead defer decisions about the default trusted root CA certificates
to Mozilla and copy their trusted store.  For local root CAs, we provide a
mechanism for you to install your own trusted certs on the systems you
maintain.  See /usr/share/doc/ca-certificates/README.Debian for more

For most situations, the right answer is either to use Let's Encrypt (for
public-facing services) or to automate installing your own CA on your
systems (for private PKIs).

Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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